Adaptation Planning Baseline
Climate change adaptation planning programmes have been running in Malawi since 2010. These comprise most recently:
- The National Climate Change Project funded through core funds from UNDP
- The UN CC Learn implemented with funds from UNITAR
- The Support to the National Climate Change Project funded by the Flanders International Cooperation Agency(FICA
- Africa Climate Adaptation and Food Security (ACA) project funded by the Japanese Government.
Prior to this, from 2010 to 2012 and with support from DFID, Japan, Norway, the National Programme for Managing Climate Change in Malawi had as its primary aim the mainstreaming of Climate Change issues into the broad national development agenda, as well as into sectoral policies and programmes.
Currently, a project funded by the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) in Malawi: ADAPT-Plan is supporting some capacity development on monitoring at the District and National level. Screening tools applied by the Ministry for Economic Planning and Development (MEP&D) and the Local Development Fund (the funding mechanism for District level plans) to funding proposals which have been submitted by ministries and Districts will be adapted to include indicators to track adaptation.
This approach is expected to bring about transformational change regarding the integration of CCA priorities into Malawian sectors because it would make domestic resources, as opposed to solely donor resources, available for CCA activities and create an imperative for different sectors to consider the potential for their plans to contribute to CCA. The project is working in three Districts
Achievements include:
- The National Climate Change Management Policy (NCCP), has been finalized and launched, coordination and institutional mechanisms have been put in place. The evaluation has revealed that the NCCP has induced a lot of interest among various players in the country to join the technical committee on climate change not only to share their experiences and lessons but also to learn from others. In the process. The donor community and implementing agencies alike, they now operate with less conflict, overlaps and duplication of efforts. Sharing of experiences and best practices has been enhanced through these institutional platforms.
- Partial operationalization of the National Climate Change Investment Plan has been done through fund mobilization to implement some initial projects.
- The UN CC Learn project has developed training materials for teachers, mainstreamed climate change issues into teacher training; primary school and secondary school curricula. The training manual that has been developed and distributed to all district councils.
- There is now strong political will manifested among others through the development of the National resilience plan coordinated from the Office of the Vice President is testimony of a strong political will from the Government of Malawi to maintain the fight against the climate change challenge